Supply Chain Disruptions

Preferred Insurance has protection & solution for delays in claims parts service

Preferred Insurance has protection & solution for delays in claims parts service supply chain issues

A perfect storm is brewing in the auto supply chain, resulting in higher prices, inventory delays, car rental shortages and a spike of car part thefts. And the two issues go hand-in-hand, creating a cycle of disruption that can leave motorists beyond frustrated.

When a claim occurs or parts are stolen, supply chain issues make it difficult to replace those parts. Labour shortages make it difficult to get the necessary repairs, and rental car shortages mean that it might be hard to find a temporary set of wheels in the meantime. 

These issues are frustrating many people around the globe.  It is also affecting the time it takes to get parts for repairing vehicles during a claim process.

The auto industry was severely impacted by supply chain disruptions during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when borders were closed and workplaces were shuttered. But that was only part of the problem. A surge in demand for computers and consumer electronics also led to a shortage of semiconductors—which are used to power a variety of vehicle features—forcing most auto manufacturers to cut production at their plants.

We want to make sure you have Rental Car Coverage on your policy.  Plus, we want to ensure you have the Best Available Limit.  

Let’s discuss this and get pro-active.  Call or email us today.
